
Uplr result 2015
Uplr result 2015

In Zanzibar, the elections were also well managed but, as is usual in the Isles, the actions of the Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) described below, raised many questions.Ī leading article about the elections in The East African, which is still banned in Tanzania, described Tanzania as still the most stable and peaceful country in an otherwise turbulent region. In fact, the elections turned out to be peaceful and the management by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) was generally good. (Details of what happened in the period leading up to the elections were given in Tanzanian Affairs No 112). UKAWA must have been disappointed by the results and Lowassa refused initially to accept them. Further, the party had joined with three other parties to form a coalition, called UKAWA (Umoja wa Katiba ya Wananchi) or ‘Coalition of Defenders of the People’s Constitution’, which promised to present a strong challenge, and which had access to sufficient resources to run a formidable campaign. The main opposition party CHADEMA had acquired a new and dynamic leader, Edward Lowassa, a former CCM Prime Minister under President Kikwete.

uplr result 2015

They must be happy with the results (which are given below).

uplr result 2015

There was the possibility that it might face defeat on election day – October 25. The leaders of Tanzania’s ruling Chama cha Mageuzi (CCM) party must have been worried last October, in the face of what many expected to be a greatly strengthened opposition. Map showing the results of the Parliamentary Elections by district (Ben Taylor )

Uplr result 2015